Dues - Hints and Tips
What are dues?
Key Club International is pretty big with around 280,000 people worldwide. To run a club this big, Key Clubbers have to pay dues! As of right now, Key Club International Dues are US$7.00 and the Capital District dues of US$4.50 are added on top of that, making dues US$11.50 for every member.
Dates to remember:
September 9 – Clubs may start the dues process in the Membership Update Center
November 1 – Early Bird Dues deadline
December 1– Regular Dues deadline
December 31 – First time late notice to Key Club President and Advisors to clubs that haven’t paid dues.
January 31 – Late notice to Sponsoring Kiwanis Club and Second late notice to Key Club President and Advisors
Why should you pay dues?
Dues are pretty important in determining your club’s status in the district. A club in “Good Standing” is when a club pays their dues. If a club misses the deadline to turn in dues (December 1st) the club is then suspended and they get an official notice from the District Treasurer. The club is then listed as “Suspended”. When a club is placed under Suspended status, the club will have to pay a $100 fine along with their dues the following year to be listed as a club in Good Standing again. In the event that a club goes downhill and misses its dues payment two years in a row, the club is listed as “Inactive”. At this point, the corresponding Lieutenant Governor for the Division will then have to recharter the club. A rechartering for a club requires a 300$ fine, at least 15 members (only half of those members can be upperclassmen) and an official officer ceremony conducted by the Lieutenant Governor.
Another reason to pay dues concerns the members themselves. As a due paying member of Key Club International, you can qualify for scholarships, attend District Convention, run for officer positions, and it comes with a pretty cool Key Club member lapel pin.
How to pay dues:
Paying dues can be a scary process, but with this guide, it will be easy. Just follow each step carefully and take your time. Every August or September, each club must update its information and membership roster at www.keyclub.org.
1. To update your club’s information and membership roster, visit www.keyclub.org. There is a link towards the top of the page that says “Dues & Reports.” Click that link, and you will see another page. On that page, there is a link to the “Membership Update Center.” Click that link to enter the next page, where you will then see the link to “The Membership Update Center,” which will take you to the login page.
a. The direct link to the Membership Update Center is www.keyclub.org/MUC.
2. Log in using the instructions on the first screen.
a. If you are unfamiliar with the new Membership Update Center, you can find a video at kiwanisone.org within the “Sponsorship Toolkit.”
3. After logging in, follow the instructions on each screen.
a. Update the club advisor information.
b. Delete any members from the roster who are no longer a part of the club.
c. Update the information for existing members.
d. Add new members.
4. Make sure that all membership information has been completed properly.
5. Generate an invoice by clicking “Roster Complete—Print Invoice.”
6. Ensure that the invoice printed correctly. If you need another copy of the invoice click the “Finances” link from the main navigation at the top.
7. Provide payment according to directions on the website.
a. Mail your check or money order to the address shown on the invoice.
i. Include a copy of the invoice.
b. Pay using credit card.
i. Follow the instructions on the website.
ii. Include a copy of the invoice.
8. After generating and printing an invoice, the invoice page is reset to zero so that new members can be added throughout the year.
Follow the same steps each time when entering new members throughout the year or when editing member information.
New members will receive certain items in the mail, such as member cards, pins and handbooks. After the Key Club International Office has received your payment, allow 4–6 weeks for these items to be mailed to your school.
Hints to paying dues:
Inform yourself. Make sure you are familiar with the new Membership Update Center (www.keyclub.org/MUC). A video tutorial can be found at kiwanisone.org within the ‘Sponsorship Toolkit’ section.
Don’t send cash. Your dues payment should be made in the form of a check or money order or by using a credit card.
Don’t send your dues payment to your district treasurer. The only place that accepts the dues payment is the Key Club International Office. Sending your dues payment to your district treasurer slows down the dues process, because they have to send the payment back to you, and you have to start all over again.
Don’t mail a copy of the membership roster with your dues payment. This is just one extra piece of paper that is unneeded. The Key Club International Office already has a copy of your roster ready in the Membership Update Center database.
Remember to update your roster.
Throughout the year, your club will lose and gain members. It’s important that you update your club’s roster accordingly throughout the year. When adding new members, use the same steps as you did before, and make sure to generate an
invoice at the end and mail your payment to Key Club International.
Key Club International is pretty big with around 280,000 people worldwide. To run a club this big, Key Clubbers have to pay dues! As of right now, Key Club International Dues are US$7.00 and the Capital District dues of US$4.50 are added on top of that, making dues US$11.50 for every member.
Dates to remember:
September 9 – Clubs may start the dues process in the Membership Update Center
November 1 – Early Bird Dues deadline
December 1– Regular Dues deadline
December 31 – First time late notice to Key Club President and Advisors to clubs that haven’t paid dues.
January 31 – Late notice to Sponsoring Kiwanis Club and Second late notice to Key Club President and Advisors
Why should you pay dues?
Dues are pretty important in determining your club’s status in the district. A club in “Good Standing” is when a club pays their dues. If a club misses the deadline to turn in dues (December 1st) the club is then suspended and they get an official notice from the District Treasurer. The club is then listed as “Suspended”. When a club is placed under Suspended status, the club will have to pay a $100 fine along with their dues the following year to be listed as a club in Good Standing again. In the event that a club goes downhill and misses its dues payment two years in a row, the club is listed as “Inactive”. At this point, the corresponding Lieutenant Governor for the Division will then have to recharter the club. A rechartering for a club requires a 300$ fine, at least 15 members (only half of those members can be upperclassmen) and an official officer ceremony conducted by the Lieutenant Governor.
Another reason to pay dues concerns the members themselves. As a due paying member of Key Club International, you can qualify for scholarships, attend District Convention, run for officer positions, and it comes with a pretty cool Key Club member lapel pin.
How to pay dues:
Paying dues can be a scary process, but with this guide, it will be easy. Just follow each step carefully and take your time. Every August or September, each club must update its information and membership roster at www.keyclub.org.
1. To update your club’s information and membership roster, visit www.keyclub.org. There is a link towards the top of the page that says “Dues & Reports.” Click that link, and you will see another page. On that page, there is a link to the “Membership Update Center.” Click that link to enter the next page, where you will then see the link to “The Membership Update Center,” which will take you to the login page.
a. The direct link to the Membership Update Center is www.keyclub.org/MUC.
2. Log in using the instructions on the first screen.
a. If you are unfamiliar with the new Membership Update Center, you can find a video at kiwanisone.org within the “Sponsorship Toolkit.”
3. After logging in, follow the instructions on each screen.
a. Update the club advisor information.
b. Delete any members from the roster who are no longer a part of the club.
c. Update the information for existing members.
d. Add new members.
4. Make sure that all membership information has been completed properly.
5. Generate an invoice by clicking “Roster Complete—Print Invoice.”
6. Ensure that the invoice printed correctly. If you need another copy of the invoice click the “Finances” link from the main navigation at the top.
7. Provide payment according to directions on the website.
a. Mail your check or money order to the address shown on the invoice.
i. Include a copy of the invoice.
b. Pay using credit card.
i. Follow the instructions on the website.
ii. Include a copy of the invoice.
8. After generating and printing an invoice, the invoice page is reset to zero so that new members can be added throughout the year.
Follow the same steps each time when entering new members throughout the year or when editing member information.
New members will receive certain items in the mail, such as member cards, pins and handbooks. After the Key Club International Office has received your payment, allow 4–6 weeks for these items to be mailed to your school.
Hints to paying dues:
Inform yourself. Make sure you are familiar with the new Membership Update Center (www.keyclub.org/MUC). A video tutorial can be found at kiwanisone.org within the ‘Sponsorship Toolkit’ section.
Don’t send cash. Your dues payment should be made in the form of a check or money order or by using a credit card.
Don’t send your dues payment to your district treasurer. The only place that accepts the dues payment is the Key Club International Office. Sending your dues payment to your district treasurer slows down the dues process, because they have to send the payment back to you, and you have to start all over again.
Don’t mail a copy of the membership roster with your dues payment. This is just one extra piece of paper that is unneeded. The Key Club International Office already has a copy of your roster ready in the Membership Update Center database.
Remember to update your roster.
Throughout the year, your club will lose and gain members. It’s important that you update your club’s roster accordingly throughout the year. When adding new members, use the same steps as you did before, and make sure to generate an
invoice at the end and mail your payment to Key Club International.
Dues Deadline |