Through The Eliminate Project, Kiwanis International and UNICEF have joined forces to eliminate maternal and neonatal tetanus—a deadly disease that steals the lives of nearly 34,000 innocent babies and a significant number of women each year. Tetanus is a painful and deadly disease, causing extreme sensitivity to light, sound and contact—even preventing the comfort of a mother’s touch. The Eliminate Project is our chance to help protect the connection between mother and child.
We are closing in on our goal to raise US$110 million. Thousands of Kiwanians have joined the fight to save or protect 55 million lives—by pledging a gift to The Eliminate Project.
Between 2010 and April 2015, Key Clubs in the Capital District raised US$229,537.02 for The ELIMINATE Project. In April 2015, the Capital District pledged to raise an additional US$250,000. Since then, clubs have raised US$179,198.91. That means this year we have US$70,801.09 left to raise. Now is the time where we need to turn these commitments into impact. Mothers and babies in 12 countries are depending on Kiwanis. They’re waiting for us to fulfill our pledges—so we can turn promises into funding; funding into vaccines; and vaccines into lives saved and futures protected. The end of this disease means the beginning of better health for so many of these families.