The Capital District is now accepting entries for the 2022 Key Club International Contests. This includes club contests such as Annual Achievement, Single Service, Major Emphasis Program, Promotional Video, Membership Recruitment Poster (Digital and Non-Digital), and Scrapbook (Traditional and Digital). We also feature contests for individual members including Oratory, Essay, and Talent.
Provided below is the Capital District's International Contest Guidebook. Within it, members can expect to see a description, judging criteria, template links, submission form links, and due date information for each given contest opportunity.
The entry submission deadline for each 2022 contest can be found in the Guidebook. Many contests allow for online submission of materials prior to District Convention. This means your club and members do not need to attend DCON to enter. However, please note that some contests do require attendance at DCON to participate.
Provided below is the Capital District's International Contest Guidebook. Within it, members can expect to see a description, judging criteria, template links, submission form links, and due date information for each given contest opportunity.
The entry submission deadline for each 2022 contest can be found in the Guidebook. Many contests allow for online submission of materials prior to District Convention. This means your club and members do not need to attend DCON to enter. However, please note that some contests do require attendance at DCON to participate.
Click Here for the 2022 International Contest Guidebook
Deadline: March 25, 2022 at 11:59PM
Deadline: March 25, 2022 at 11:59PM